How AI and Deeptech are revolutionising the world: New Challenges and Opportunities for Startups and Enterprises

Tuesday, May 21st at 5.30 pm (GMT+2) Book your ticket

For the #4 session of our Entrepreneurship Toolkit series, we invite you on Tuesday, May 21st at 5:30 PM, at i3P, Corso Castelfidardo 30/A in Turin for an inspiring session organised by ESCP, Blue Factory, and i3P, titled "How AI and Deeptech are revolutionizing the world: New Challenges and Opportunities for Startups and Enterprises"

The panel will be an engaging event on how Artificial Intelligence and DeepTech are revolutionising our world, highlighting new business challenges and opportunities, with startups at the forefront.

Accenture will present megatrends shaping the world, followed by a panel discussion on technological and ethical aspects.

We'll explore key opportunities for companies in this revolution and the necessary changes they must address today. We'll also see how agile startups are leading and contributing to this transformation.


Moderator: Umberto Ravizza (ESCP and Accenture Strategy)



  • The latest advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and deeptech, gaining insights into how these technologies are transforming various sectors.
  • Strategies for navigating the rapidly evolving landscape of AI and deeptech, including how startups and enterprises can leverage these tools to enhance efficiency, productivity, and competitiveness.
  • Real-world case studies and best practices that illustrate the practical applications of AI and deeptech across industries, providing actionable insights for driving innovation and growth.


This event is aimed at managers and entrepreneurs who want to clarify their ideas about the ongoing revolution led by AI and DeepTech, and those who want to start a startup in these sectors. More generally, it is for anyone who is passionate and curious about our future and wants to discover what awaits us.

This session is organised by Blue Factory ESCP Business School, with the support od Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo and in partnership with i3P, ToTeM, OGR, Accenture, Talent Garden, LINKS, Immanence and NexTO.


ESCP Business School, supported by Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo and in collaboration with key players in the Turin innovation ecosystem, is proud to announce the launch of a series of six free sessions titled "Entrepreneurship Toolkit: Practical Tools for Startup and Business Creation."

Dedicated to fostering startup creation and entrepreneurial culture, this series will take place at various venues throughout the city. Participation is free, but registration for each session is required. All workshops will be conducted in English.
With the support of: 
fondazione compagnia di san paolo escp
In collaboration with:
escp startup blue factory


  • How to handle investor's meeting successfully 
  • How to create impact with your business 
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Organiser: ESCP Turin Campus

Turin - Italy



Start date: 21/05/2024

Start time: 5:30 PM

End time: 8:00 PM